Dear Valued Customer,
This week, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. We want to assure you that Ava Group have a robust COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Management Plan in place to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees, whilst ensuring that we continue to deliver a high-level of service to our customers.
We are currently on high-alert and the Ava Group management team is meeting regularly to ensure that we are able to react quickly in the event of a worsening situation and to ensure that all employees receive ongoing education and information on best hygiene practises. Utilising the information available from the World Health Organisation and the Federal Department of Health, we have already implemented the following measures:
The safety of our employees is paramount as is ensuring the capacity to deliver a high-level of ongoing service to our customers. BQT’s manufacturing supply chains are not currently impacted significantly by COVID-19 and BQTmaintains inventories of component parts and finished goods that are sufficient to meet current customer demand and our expected production forecasts for the coming period. We are in constant communication with key suppliers and should this situation change we will ensure to update you further as promptly as possibly at that time.
With BQT manufacturing based in New Zealand we are at least geographically isolated which may lessen the impact of our workforce being unable to attend work. For now this threat remains low but as the pandemic continues the potential for delay in supply grows. We will monitor and react as needed but would encourage you to review your own stock levels and customer demand now.
If you have any further questions in relation to the Ava Group’s COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Management Plan, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Matthew Nye-Hingston
Head of BQT Technology & Director BQT Operations