Access Control Insecurities?

November 1, 2021
Meet the BQT High Security Module (HSM), our most popular Output Module.

Before we introduce you to our HSM, we thought we would talk about access control insecurities and how your 'secure' facilities may very well be insecure due to rapid technological advancement.

With technology developing at what feels like light-year speed, it's understandable how once world-leading technology is now insignificant. Take the Nokia 3310, the original Blackberry or even the first six editions of the Apple iPhone. All these gadgets were once the hottest tech on the market, however as technology progressed, they all slowly became less and less ideal in the changing environments, and we now expect our phones to do so much more than ever before.

You may be thinking, this is a post on access control? Why am I reading about phones? Like the phones, technology that was once revolutionary in access control security is no longer ideal—many access control systems from the 2000s and earlier use Wiegand data to control security. Credentials use the Wiegand format that then scans at a reader and is sent to an access control panel, and boom, you're in. There's just one small issue with that – Weigand data is incredibly easy to hack, and without even knowing it, your access control system is now insecure, and anyone with the right data can enter your 'secure' facilities.

Now's about the time you're trying to remember when your access control system was installed. And what data does it use? Don't fret. This insecurity doesn't mean you will need an entirely new access control system. BQT Solutions knew this would become an issue for many access control systems globally and have engineered what we call our High Security Module. The HSM is a small device that will encrypt communication between the reader and your panels, ensuring an absolute secure information path that cannot be compromised, whether wall enclosed or a remote site such as an access gate.

Engineered to solve the insecure data issue many access control systems face, the High Security Module looks to use encrypted data instead of insecure Wiegand data to re-secure your access control systems without upgrading your panels or current designs. By replacing an existing reader with an HSM compatible BQT reader, and installing an HSM at the panel, you can re-secure your access control system. Designed to convert the new secure signal back to the wiegand that your access control panel understands, using a High Security Module means your access data cannot be read or tapped, thus re-securing your access control system.

The installation of a High Security Module alongside the access control panel means that the wiegand signal between the module and the panel is in a physically secure location, such as the locked panel cabinet or secure room. Built to work with current access control systems, including your current feedback systems like buzzer and LED feedback, the High Security Module offers a simple fix to an insecure access control system without the need to implement an entirely new system, and avoiding the cost and downtime that comes along with that.

If you are interested in implementing an HSM into your buildings, BQT Solutions will work with you to ensure you safely re-secure your access control systems.  To learn more or talk to a sales rep in your area, get in touch with us today at


BQT Solutions is a specialist in the development, manufacture and supply of high quality, high security card and biometric readers, electromechanical locks and related electronic security products.
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